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Sales Recruitment Advice and Tips
Curious about a company’s culture? Ask these 7 questions.

This week, we attended a session at LinkedIn on attracting and engaging talent. The event was held at the Sydney office and was hosted by Katie Clinch and Sally McElhone from the Customer Success team. A special shout-out to these ladies for hosting a great session! During the session, they discussed the importance of company…

Pulse News | We got an office pet, well, sort of.

As much as we’d all love a little furry friend around the office, we’d probably never get any work done, not to mention a few of us are allergic to pets … #lame. However, we do have a new type of “pet”. In fact, we recently adopted a tiger from WWF. Tigers are one of…

Contest | We have reached 5,000 followers on LinkedIn!

The Pulse Recruitment team is extremely excited to announce that we have reached 5,000 followers on LinkedIn! To congratulate you, (our fabulous followers) we couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than to hold a Guess the Number in the Jar Competition. Just like the good old days of primary school, right? To celebrate…

I’ve just been offered my dream job, should I finish my degree?

Most university or college students are constantly on the go, whether it’s balancing study, work, social and/or personal commitments. While prioritising the ongoing demands of student life, a real dilemma arises if you’re offered the job of your dreams – before graduating from uni. As exciting as it can be to get your first full-time…

3 life lessons I learned from ‘direct selling’ (and how they’ve evolved into my recruitment career)

After leaving university, like most graduates, I was at a complete loss as to what to do. Whilst the golden ticket seemed to be a place in one of the scarce graduate programs within a large multi-national like Aldi (the thought of the $85k salary and a brand new Audi seemed too good to be…

Should you add volunteering to your CV?

In recruitment, a massive aspect of the job revolves around resumes. Whether it’s what makes a good resume or how to build a good resume, recruiters have seen (and heard) it all. In fact, one of the most frequently asked questions by our candidates’ are, “how relevant is volunteer experience? And should it be included…