Employers Hub | Attract the best tech talent with these 6 tips

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    Without question, attracting and hiring tech talent is difficult. The IT market is becoming increasingly competitive, as demand frequently outnumbers supply. Therefore, you need to know exactly what you’re looking for in a prospect if you are hiring. As a result, understanding the significant aspects of tech recruitment is critical for developing a talent acquisition strategy. However, because recruitment is not a one-sided process, you must also grasp what candidates are searching for when they are seeking a job opportunity.

    When looking for a job, today’s candidates seek beyond the big brand names. Other values, such as flexibility, diversity, and kindness, are highly considered by most of them. Those principles must be thought of and possibly adopted to attract a suitable pool of candidates and hire top IT staff. We have listed some of the best recommendations that hiring managers may use to make their company or teams attractive to tech prospects.

    Some Pointers on Attracting Tech Talent

    In a nutshell, here are six effective strategies for acquiring IT talent that can set your organisation apart from the competition:

    1. Make a positive name for yourself and your company
    2. Make use of employee connections
    3. Allow for remote work
    4. Provide possibilities for learning and development
    5. Provide exciting career options
    6. Offer enticing incentives

    Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

    1 — Create a Presence and fantastic Reputation in the Tech Industry

    During a job search, most candidates learn about potential employers through the company’s website and social media, such as blogs, news, and videos. This means that businesses must be visible in order to expand their reach, and one of the greatest ways to do so is to collaborate with your marketing department.

    This strategy is not only effective for attracting and employing IT talent, but it also aids in the development of your company’s overall identity and image. Good content can also help boost a company’s brand awareness and reputation in the employment market. You may even combine it with events to expand your reach even more. Here are some ideas to get you started:

    • Create topic-specific material related to your company’s industry: Demonstrate your knowledge, the company’s culture, and the projects you’re working on. Provide real value to your audience rather than overly promotional material.
    • Take part in (virtual) events and conferences: You have the option of attending existing events or organising your own, such as webinars or online summits or a virtual expo.
    • In your social media posts, use paid advertising: While this isn’t a common strategy, it might nonetheless help you expand your reach.

    2 – Make Use of Your Employees’ Network

    Aside from posting positions through your typical channels, it’s also a good idea to enlist the support of your coworkers by simply resharing your posts or job ads. Don’t underestimate the power of your employees’ connections. This approach also provides several additional benefits:

    • Due to prospective applicants being familiar with your coworkers, this may mean they can work effectively together.
    • Having that familiarity may give a candidate more confidence in the job position and company.
    • Your colleagues will be in an excellent place to filter out the prospects.

    3 — Support a working from home strategy

    The digitisation of organisational procedures and activities is becoming more common. Information technology and data-related activities frequently do not require physical meetings because everything in this domain has gone virtual. As a company, if you are supportive of a work-from-home culture, candidates will view you as a desirable company to work for.

    4 — Encourage lifelong learning and skill development

    We live in an age of constant invention, so we’ll fall behind the digitalisation curve if we don’t keep learning. In a recent survey by Pulse Recruitment, three out of every four candidates said they want a career that allows them to learn new skills. In the eyes of candidates, thinking about your employees’ self-development is a positive. So adopting in-house coaching, external training courses or online learning platform courses for employees will be beneficial in attracting the best candidates for your team or company.

    5 — Provide Diverse Career Options

    You must also provide an appealing career path if you want to recruit top-performing employees. Employees want to advance in their careers; thus, employers must assist them in achieving their objectives. Your job isn’t done once you have hired candidates; you also have to keep them. Once the candidates are onboarded, here’s what you may offer employees:

    • Maintain constant communication and feedback. For career advancements, it is critical for employees to receive feedback on their performance. It can aid in the identification of personal objectives, aspirations, and areas for improvement. Make sure it is constructive and helpful advice.
    • Make their experience unique. Everyone is different, as are their skill sets and requirements. Create a personalised plan based on regular meetings and feedback; this can include career development, coaching, mentorship, or succession planning.

    6 — Offer Distinctive Perks and Benefits That Count

    Consider the perks and incentives that are important to your staff. Prior to COVID-19, it was typical for technology companies to offer incentives such as Friday afternoon drinks or adopting a pet-friendly office. However, with the new normal and the future heading towards a hybrid work style, it is unlikely that benefits like these will be available, at least not anytime soon. Some examples are as follows:

    • Budget for working from home. Set aside money for employees to purchase an ergonomic desk, a bigger computer screen, or a more comfortable chair for their home office to keep them motivated and healthy.
    • Hours of work are flexible. Workdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. are becoming obsolete. Allowing employees to work at their chosen hours will enable them to perform at their best, resulting in increased productivity.
    • Time off for self-improvement. Set aside one day a week for ‘personal project work’. Allow your employees to work on a self-development project where they can use this day to gain new skills.

    It’s not easy to attract top tech talent. Therefore, it is critical to understand what applicants desire and value in order to succeed. Provide candidates with flexibility, learning opportunities, and benefits that are important to them. Additionally, establish a presence in the technology field and invest in the necessary hiring tools and technologies. All of these things will help you win the war for tech talent.

    LEARN MORE about Pulse Recruitments Technology Hiring Solution, which can help you find the best-fit IT personnel fast and accurately.



    Pulse Recruitment is a specialist sales recruitment agency, designed specifically to help find sales staff within the highly competitive Australian and global market. Find out more by visiting our hire staff page!


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