The Great SaaS Pipeline Crisis

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    Adam Robinson, CEO of, weighs in on “The Great SaaS Pipeline Crisis of 2023-2024,” offering the following insights:


    1. Cold outreach effectiveness has dwindled significantly.
    2. Response rates have seen a substantial decline from 10/8/6/4/2% to 5/4/3/2/1%.
    3. Sales leaders are compensating with higher activity targets.
    4. AI copywriting and sending tools contribute to increased outreach volume.
    5. Affordable domains and tools make high-volume outreach more accessible.
    6. Personalisation efforts are drowned out by the sheer volume.
    7. LinkedIn inboxes are facing unprecedented challenges.
    8. Rising interest rates (5%+) prompt reduced spending by companies and individuals.
    9. Uncertainty surrounds follow-on funding rounds.
    10. A global directive emphasizes “Buy less SaaS.”


    Key Takeaways:


    The once-reliable Predictable Revenue model, established in 2012, has succumbed in 2023. Techniques employed by sales reps 24 months ago yield only half the results.

    However, a novel approach focuses on C-level executives creating impactful content, proving more effective.

    This new model centres around signal-based selling, facilitating timely engagement with prospects.

    Seasoned reps, leveraging their experience, contribute to accelerated growth and shorter sales cycles.

    In 2024, the Push Model, emphasising efficient and targeted outreach, emerges triumphant as a solution to the prevailing Pipeline Crisis.




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